Creates a Safe Space:
"Jenny provides a safe space to share. She provides a space to have any emotion and will sit with you in it." S.K
"Jenny brings a calming presence. She senses the feeling of other people. She senses what going on with someone - that is a Gift!"T.
Develops Strategic Plans:
"There’s a strategic plan when you work with Jenny. And, with that strategic plan comes structure and accountability. Jenny is going to make sure that you have a good understanding of “who you are” as a person. Once that self-awareness piece is completed, she will help you develop a plan toward reaching your goals. With Jenny’s guidance, you will understand your “next steps” in being an active participant toward following through on your plan." D.F.
"Jenny helps others strategically to motivate them in striving for their goals. She helps students/clients/co-workers break a problem down and strategically develop a plan. She helps students make a plan. She can frame the situation (what is happening) and provide the structure. She can frame the situation and provide the structure to making a plan towards their goals. She provides the structure for students/clients to help them make a plan to strive for their goals." T.
Genuinely Cares:
"Genuinely Cares – Regardless of your background, Jenny makes you feel valued and affirmed as an individual. She is genuinely interested in helping you reach your goals whether related to your career or emotional health." D.F.
"We always leave feeling affirmed, validated, supported and ready to face the next steps." K.O
Maintains Integrity:
"Integrity. I think Jenny Buysse and I think integrity. I just think you are the absolute best Counselor and am so grateful for your support." K.O.
Jenny, "You take it the next level. You wanted to develop the “BEST” product and service" T.
Jenny Buysse, M.A., L.P.C., N.C.C., A.C.S., G.C.D.F., C.C.S.P., B.C.C.
- Licensed Professional Counselor
- National Certified Counselor
- Global Career Development Facilitator
- Board Certified Coach
[email protected]
Portage, MI 49024